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Updated 1/8/2025

Scholarships are useless unless you GET INTO A COLLEGE, so focus on college applications first! The organizations and programs that offer scholarships also know this, so many more will open up their applications later in the year. You can check “Helen’s Google Spreadsheet” to the right to see past timelines for scholarships and ongoing updates for scholarships that have announced when their applications open. Also, keep in mind that you will be eligible for financial aid just by doing your FAFSA, so you don’t need to pay for all your college costs just with scholarships. Sincerely, Helen

  • Atsuhiko Tateuchi Memorial Scholarship

    Application Deadline: March 1, 2025 11:59 PM

    Ina Goodwin Tateuchi and her late husband, Atsuhiko Tateuchi, both came from hard-working families and were taught to appreciate and respect education. They wish to provide $5,000-$10,000 scholarships for students who are residents of the Pacific Rim states (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington) who demonstrate hard work, dedication and sincerity. Students must have financial need, academic merit and be of Japanese or other Asian ancestry, including multi-ethnic Asians. Students from middle income families and students attending college, university, or graduate schools are encouraged to apply. This scholarship will be renewable for up to four years.


  • Maxwell Foundation Scholarship

    Application Deadline:  May 9th, 2025

    The Maxwell Scholarship was established to assist high school seniors from Western Washington in obtaining a higher education. For freshmen starting college during the 2025-26 academic year, scholarships will be $5,000 per year. This award has the potential to be renewed for up to an additional three years of undergraduate education based on reasonable progress toward graduation. A simple renewal application is required each year.


  • Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (Baccalaureate)

    Application Opens: January 8, 2025 (but you can start on the essays before that)
    Application Deadline:  February 26, 2025 at 9:00 p.m. PST

    The Baccalaureate Scholarship provides up to $22,500 in financial aid support and access to career-launching support services for students pursuing high-demand STEM and health care majors. This scholarship can be used to cover tuition, fees and other indirect costs of attendance such as housing, transportation, food and more. Funding can be used for any eligible STEM or health care degree at any eligible public or private college or university in Washington state.

    WSOS requires two written responses, which you can start on before the application opens! Check the prompts and essay tips here.


  • Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs

    Application Deadline:  March 1, 2025 by 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time

    “The Horatio Alger Association supports deserving young people who are overcoming significant challenges and are committed to pursuing higher education. Our scholarships and services serve as a powerful symbol of recognition of Scholars’ character and of our belief in their potential.”

    There are multiple Horatio Alger Association scholarship programs, but by filling out one application you will be considered for all scholarships you are eligible for: Apply Here

    Example Awards through Horatio Alger Association include:

    • State Scholarship – Washington (Juniors only): 10 awards of $10,000 each
    • National Scholarship (Juniors only): 106 awards of $25,000 each
    • Patricia Cole Scholarship for Business or STEM (Seniors only): 5 awards of $12,500 each
